Source: H2 Region Emsland

Model of the waste collection vehicle to be purchased in the COSPEL project.

© H2 Region Emsland

COSPEL -CO2-neutral bulky waste collection in Emsland

In Emsland, as part of the project: "COSPEL -CO2-neutral bulky waste collection in Emsland". a waste collection vehicle is being purchased that will be operated 100%CO2-free. For this purpose, green hydrogen is to be used, which will be produced by means of renewable energies. From late autumn 2022, the vehicle will be used on the streets of Lingen and Emsbüren to collect bulky waste.

News (21.11.2023): First H2-powered refuse collection vehicle is in operation!

The waste management company (AWB) in the Emsland district has the first hydrogen-powered vehicle in use, which saves up to 30 tons of CO2 per year. This corresponds to around 10,000 liters of diesel per year, which is normally required for the bulky waste vehicle. Click here for the press release.

Within the framework of the project "HyExperts: H2-Region Emsland", the district of Emsland and the H2 Region Emsland are developing an implementable overall concept for the hydrogen region Emsland with a focus on the area of mobility. In the project, concrete implementation projects have already been initiated during the project term 2020 to 2022. Further practical projects will follow with the funding sought under the HyPerformer programme. The COSPEL project is one of the first implementation projects from the HyExperts process: in the late autumn of 2022, the Emsland waste management company will be equipped with a bulky waste vehicle that uses hydrogen as an energy carrier. This should save about 30 tonnes ofCO2 per year.

Green hydrogen for vehicle operation is already available in the region. With projects such as the E-Gas plant in Werlte, GET H2, Lingen Green Hydrogen or CEC Haren, there are a number of projects in Emsland that can produce or distribute the necessary hydrogen. 

The pilot project not only forms the basis for the possible conversion of further own fleet vehicles, it also helps to increase the visibility of climate-friendly vehicles among citizens and to demonstrate the benefits of green hydrogen.

COSPEL is supported within the framework of the National Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technology Innovation Programme (NIP II) with funds from the Federal Ministry of Transport. Those responsible for the project received a funding decision in July 2021. The funding amounts to just under 800,000 euros - the total investment for the acquisition of the vehicle is about one million euros.

Presentation of the funding decision, from left to right: the head of the H2 Region Emsland office, Dr Tim Husmann, the District Administrator of Emsland, Marc-André Burgdorf, and the deputy head of the waste management company of the district of Emsland, Harald Litz.

© H2 Region Emsland


The district of Emsland is located on the Dutch border and is the largest administrative district in Lower Saxony in terms of area. Around 325,000 people live in the district of Emsland.

© District of Emsland

The waste management company (AWB) Emsland was founded in 1995 and is a municipal enterprise of the district which, among other things, is responsible for the collection of bulky waste, where the hydrogen vehicle will be used.

© AWB Emsland


The H2 Region Emsland is an association of hydrogen actors in the Emsland region. It is a loose and open network and serves as a platform for exchange and dialogue in the region. The H2-Region Emsland is supported by the district of Emsland and the city of Lingen.

© H2 Region Emsland

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