Press release
Lower Saxony and Norway cooperate for international hydrogen economy
Lower Saxony is committed to close cooperation with Norway for the import of hydrogen. This cooperation was laid down in a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) today at the 1st German-Norwegian Hydrogen Forum in Hamburg. Both sides want to further intensify their existing cooperation.
Cooperation and cross-sectoral collaboration are key to the rapid development of our future sustainable energy system. This applies at both national and international level. Alongside renewable electricity, hydrogen is an important energy carrier as a building block in the transformation. Only with hydrogen can we decarbonise important industries with enormous energy needs and thus achieve our climate goals.
In the future, as today, large parts of the required gas will have to be imported. In doing so, we must learn from past mistakes and focus on diversification and reliability among importers at an early stage to ensure sustainable supply security. For this reason, Lower Saxony is counting on close cooperation with Norway for the import of hydrogen.
This cooperation was formalised today with a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) at the 1st German-Norwegian Hydrogen Forum in Hamburg. Both sides want to further intensify their existing cooperation.
The aim is for each partner to benefit from the expertise and experience of the other, for hydrogen actors to be effectively networked and for joint projects to be initiated.
Manuel Kliese from Innovation Norway and Dr Alexander Bedrunka, project manager of the Lower Saxony Hydrogen Network (NWN), signed the agreement. On the part of the NWN's network partners, Felix Fleckenstein signed on behalf of the German Trade Union Federation and Benedikt Hüppe on behalf of the Lower Saxony Business Associations.
Manuel Kliese (Innovation Norway) and Benedikt Hüppe (partner Entrepreneurial Associations Lower Saxony).
Dr Alexander Bedrunka, (Project Manager NWN), Manuel Kliese (Innovation Norway), Larissa Weiß (NWN - Network Partner Entrepreneurial Associations Lower Saxony) and Felix Fleckenstein (NWN, Network Partner German Trade Union Federation) at the German-Norwegian Hydrogen Forum.
Manuel Kliese (Innovation Norway) and Felix Fleckenstein (partner Deutscher Gewerkschaftsbund) at the signing ceremony.
Image source: Larissa Weiß

Manuel Kliese from Innovation Norway and Dr Alexander Bedrunka, project manager of the Lower Saxony Hydrogen Network (NWN) at the signing of the MoU
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