
H2AS lecture series: Oxygen from electrolysis for wastewater treatment plants

H2AS lecture series: Oxygen from electrolysis for wastewater treatment plants

South Lower Saxony. The Hydrogen Alliance South Lower Saxony (H2AS) invites all interested parties to the 8th online meeting of the H2AS lecture series on Thursday, February 16, 2023 (17:30-18:30). The topic of the eighth meeting is "Oxygen from electrolysis for wastewater treatment plants".


The climate turnaround presents us with major challenges. It is already clear that there will be no panacea. Rather, we need a toolbox of multiple tools, all of which must be used to achieve the 2050 climate targets. One thing is certain, however: hydrogen is one of these tools and will play a crucial role in decarbonization. Unlike batteries, hydrogen is capable of storing large amounts of energy for extended periods of time. In the future, we will have to be much more careful with the resource "energy". Renewable energies in particular are still a rare commodity, where energy wastage must be avoided at all costs.

This aspect is taken up by the SeWAGE Plant H project, which Simon Pauli, Vice President Aspens GmbH, will present. It gives an example of efficient sector coupling based on water electrolysis.


The free event will take place online via the web conferencing tool "Zoom". Anyone interested can register here using the registration form.

If you have any further questions, please contact Dr. Peter Oswald by telephone on 0151/42062472 or by e-mail at